exploring the frontiers of vibrations and frequences to increase awareness, harmony and foster healing. Experience distant energy treatments to rebalance your body and mind and improve your general conditions and vitality. Healing adresses the causes. Conventional medicine addresses the body only. Distant healing doesn't conflict with any clinical treatment that may be chosen. It does not substitute any medical treatment

The qxci-scio device is used for stress reduction, energy rebalance, reharmonization, and not for diagnose. Only a licensed doctor can diagnose a patient.
We are souls, we just think we are humans ...
Consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow linked
- By Philip Ball
(…) Some scientists think we already understand what consciousness is, or that it is a mere illusion. But many others feel we have not grasped where consciousness comes from at all.
The perennial puzzle of consciousness has even led some researchers to invoke quantum physics to explain it.
(…) Quantum mechanics is the best theory we have for describing the world at the nuts-and-bolts level of atoms and subatomic particles. Perhaps the most renowned of its mysteries is the fact that the outcome of a quantum experiment can change depending on whether or not we choose to measure some property of the particles involved.
When this "observer effect" was first noticed by the early pioneers of quantum theory, they were deeply troubled. It seemed to undermine the basic assumption behind all science: that there is an objective world out there, irrespective of us. If the way the world behaves depends on how – or if – we look at it, what can "reality" really mean?
Some of those researchers felt forced to conclude that objectivity was an illusion, and that consciousness has to be allowed an active role in quantum theory. To others, that did not make sense.
(…)Today some physicists suspect that, whether or not consciousness influences quantum mechanics, it might in fact arise because of it. They think that quantum theory might be needed to fully understand how the brain works.
Might it be that, just as quantum objects can apparently be in two places at once, so a quantum brain can hold onto two mutually-exclusive ideas at the same time
(…) … in the 1930s by the Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner:
"It follows that the quantum description of objects is influenced by impressions entering my consciousness," he wrote. "Solipsism may be logically consistent with present quantum mechanics."
Wheeler even entertained the thought that the presence of living beings, which are capable of "noticing", has transformed what was previously a multitude of possible quantum pasts into one concrete history. In this sense, Wheeler said, we become participants in the evolution of the Universe since its very beginning. In his words, we live in a "participatory universe."
To this day, physicists do not agree on the best way to interpret these quantum experiments, and to some extent what you make of them is (at the moment) up to you. But one way or another, it is hard to avoid the implication that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow linked.
Beginning in the 1980s, the British physicist Roger Penrose suggested that the link might work in the other direction. Whether or not consciousness can affect quantum mechanics, he said, perhaps quantum mechanics is involved in consciousness.
(...)In 2016, Adrian Kent of the University of Cambridge in the UK, one of the most respected "quantum philosophers", speculated that consciousness might alter the behaviour of quantum systems in subtle but detectable ways.
(...) Every line of thought on the relationship of consciousness to physics runs into deep trouble," says Kent.
This has prompted him to suggest that "we could make some progress on understanding the problem of the evolution of consciousness if we supposed that consciousnesses alters (albeit perhaps very slightly and subtly) quantum probabilities."
excerpts from: http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20170215-the-strange-link-between-the-human-mind-and-quantum-physics
Teslaplates by Teslavital® - an amazing experience with free energy
by Teslavital® are an amazing experience in revitalizing-energizing water, liquids, food, remedies.
There are many sizes fr
om the credit card size to bigger plates 21x21cm.
For harmonizing your body's energy, helping it getting rid of blocks and energy unbalances.
I use it daily for water and food and when producing colloidal silver with a very safe and top tech generator (contact me if your are interested)
I put it under the produced solution.

In fact after its exchange with your body it looses energy and power.
How do you discover this? by measuring your remedy with a biotester for instance.
The website with all available Teslaplates is in Italian but anyone interested can write in English.

Brain Introspection meditation ... with the qxci-scio device
From the "biofeedback program" in the QXCI-SCIO device there is one profound and relaxing treatment, called BRAIN INTROSPECTION, accompanied by these words:
Look into your mind,
into your brain,
your spirit, your soul
You'll see that the brain is just an organ
it doen't house the mind
it doesn't house the soul
Look inside your mind,
inside your spirit and soul
See your life passing through all your thoughts and feelings
David Lynch: Consciousness, creativity and the brain...
You Are A Being of Energy
Your consciousness, your experience of Being, who you really are, is energy. We can call it “Life Energy” for now. This energy does not just live in your brain; it fills your entire body. Your consciousness is connected to every cell in your body. Through your consciousness, you can communicate with every organ and every tissue, and a number of therapies are based on this communication with the organs which have been affected by some kind of symptom or disorder.
This energy which is your consciousness, and which reflects your state of consciousness, can be measured through the process known as Kirlian photography. When you take a Kirlian photograph of your hand, it shows a certain pattern of energy. If you take a second photograph while imagining that you are sending love and energy to someone you know, there will be a different pattern of energy shown on the Kirlian photograph. Thus, we can see that a change in your consciousness creates a change in the energy field that is being photographed, which we call the aura.
This energy field shown in the Kirlian photographs has been quantified, so that when there are “holes” in particular parts of the energy field, these are said to correspond to particular weaknesses in specific parts of the physical body. The interesting thing about this is that the weakness shows up in the energy field before there is ever any evidence of it on the physical level.
Thus, we have an interesting direction of manifestation shown through what we have described.
1. A change of consciousness creates a change in the energy field.
2. A change in the energy field happens before a change in the physical body.
The direction of manifestation is from the consciousness, through the energy field, to the physical body.
Consciousness——1——>–>Energy Field——2——>->Physical Body
When we look at things in this way, we see that it is not the physical body creating the energy field, the aura, but rather the aura or energy field that is creating the physical body. What we see as the physical body is the end result of a process that begins with the consciousness.
excerpt from source: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/04/06/your-body-is-a-mirror-of-your-life/
Time doesn't exist...treating past lives connections with the qxci-scio

Have you observed yourself when you are with people and situations you love the most – you usually witness Time getting exhausted so fast. And in the end you say “How fast has the time passed!” And you would wish to be with these people and situations for a long time.
Similarly, when you are with people and situations you don’t like at all, you feel the Time isn’t moving as usually it does. And you would say “why is the Time so slow!” and you would wish the Time moved so fast to escape from these people and situations.
I know very well this is a common experience for everyone. So, is Time a relative entity? Does your perception alter the Time outside you? Or are you perceiving the same Time differently according to your emotional states? Yes! when you feel positive you experience less Time. Whereas when you feel negative, you experience more Time.’
source: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2017/02/time-present-moment.html
Going beyond linear time is by the way the landscape in which anyone travels with a qxci-scio treatment. A very special treatment that addresses the spiritual sphere beyond mere personality issues and wellbeing improvement is the "past lives" program.
It allows the person to discover emotional links existing between a present life issue and past life information. It does not however detail a past life rather... it lets us guess what a past life connection might be about energetically ... and it may not be exactly what we've been told about by the common narrative...
All things are interconnected as One
Electrons of an atom are like the planets of a solar system. They are oppositely charged (the opposite ‘sex’) to the nucleus of an atom, and they are attracted to each other – just as the planets and ‘Sun’ of a solar system are. The polarized parts flow together in a particular ‘way’ that is dictated by Universal Law.
The pattern is orbital because of the nature of polarized relationships in space. There is always a center, a central sphere that gives, that flows out energy, and ‘attracts’ – and that central object is surrounded by objects that are attracted to, and attach themselves to, the center object. In the case of a solar system, the Sun is the center that all the planets revolve around. In the case of an atom, the nucleus is the center that all the electrons revolve around. They are the same thing.
The outer objects’ (electrons or planets) momentum, their ‘speed’ as they travel through space, becomes a circular movement once they are attracted to and attached to their central object (the Sun, a Star, or a Nucleus). That movement is cyclic – in other words, it keeps orbiting around and around at a certain speed, repeating its cycle in a given period of time, thus a vibrational occurrence is created of ‘cycles per… something’ (second, day, year, whatever). In the case of the Earth orbiting the Sun, it is 1 cycle per year. In the case of other planets it is faster or slower. In the case of atoms, it is very, very fast – and different for each atom.
Taking this a step further, what if everything is orbiting something, which is also orbiting something else? Then all of them function as ONE. And a complex vibrational pattern exists. They each link up with all other objects, becoming a part of their flow and one with them. In the entirety of the Universe, All things are interconnected as One in this way. And the basis of all this is the Universal pattern we see exemplified so perfectly in the atom or star systems. It follows and reflects Universal Law perfectly. This pattern flows in perfect harmony with Universal order.”
“I am beginning to understand. But I still don’t understand the ‘relationship’ it has to human relationships.”
“What if this form, this pattern, represents the relationships of beings? What if each atom is a conscious being composed of soul-mate beings? What if each solar system is a conscious being composed of soul-mate beings (each planet and ‘Sun’ is a being, in and of itself, that make One being together)? What if every being plays two roles, like both parent and child at the same time – surrendering to something, and directing something?
What if every ‘star’ is both in an outflowing, ‘positive polarity’, ‘directing’ position to its planets, but also is like a ‘planet’ to something else that it orbits? What if the planets are taking a receptive, ‘negative polarity’, surrendering posture, to a ‘sun’, but are functioning like a ‘sun’ to something else that orbits it, or is affected by it? According to the teachings, and my personal realizations, all of the above is true.”
excerpt fom: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/03/28/reality-is-beyond-our-perceptions/
About the Author
Rene’ Descartes is a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who ponders and wonders much about truth. Having sailed around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period, Rene’ is now interested in healing the terminally ill and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering earth right now. Email Rene’ at Shamballa@wispernet.co.za.23/02/2017
The stress affects your brain
One of the most effective results when undergoing treatments with the qxci-scio is a reduction of inner tension, stress and heaviness of mind...
Remote rebalancing treatments are very effective, too. Regardless where you are on the planet, we can work together helping rebalancing your inner energies and regain strength of mind and focus.
If interested or wanting to know more please contact me through the contact form
In order to heal you have to address the causes not the symptoms
“All illnesses - whatever their name and their seriousness- are always a purification crisis, a healing one that is basically, foundamentally and intentionally beneficial.
I order to heal, however, it is necessary to get to the causes of the illness, that are always of psychic nature . It means we need to first of all to clean our mind of hatred thoughts, resentment, fear, mistrust, envy, jealousy and anxiety”
Bernardino del Boca
Energy symbols, good vibs on your body!
This is the Tree of Life symbol, i.e a wide spread energy symbol that represents the origin and the creation. Many ancient cultures praised this mystical pattern, too. It carries the message of Vitality, Fruitfulness and Fertility!
This is the Flower of Life symbol that holds the foundation of each molecule structure and each life form. It is like an energy blueprint of all the existing. Wearing it ist like wearing an ancient memory of life and transmitting it to your body vibrationally...
Both pendants are created either in golden plated and in a silver-like version. The golden plated version of the Flower of Life can also have zircons in it, what gives more light and brilliancy to the energy jewel.
They are handcrafted in germany and very accurately sent all over the world.
If you are interested in them please contact me accordingly (see contact form on the blog)
energy pattern,
flower of life,
tree of life
Pure Theta waves: meditation
Qxci-scio rebalancing of brainwaves...
One of the most effective programs within the energy rebalancing treatment with the quantum device qxci-scio that I have been using for years by now, is the one concerned with "brain waves" rebalancing, that also allows to release heavy interferences, frequency disturbances that keep us stuck in stress, oppression, perception limitation, depression, fear, guilt, agression, worries,sadness etc. etc.
My experience as well as those of my clients show that this is very effective also in subspace treatments (in physical absence of the client). One case that was very amazing was when I was treating a person of the family in the subspace mode. She was not given notice about the day and time of the session.
My experience as well as those of my clients show that this is very effective also in subspace treatments (in physical absence of the client). One case that was very amazing was when I was treating a person of the family in the subspace mode. She was not given notice about the day and time of the session.
It took many many hours (really an exception...) to rectify the values and energetically rebalancing the areas. And exactly at the moment when it happened and the values were confirmed rectified... the phone rang. It was she, unknowlingly of what was going on, calling for a hello and saying immediately "I can call you only now because in all these hours I've been feeling so oppressed and sad that could lift the phone... now it is finally going better".
Really amazing and showing again... that solid barriers and matter exist only in our thinking and perception.
If you are interested in my treatments please contact me at the contact form on this blog. Thanks
Even the most ‘solid’ physical objects are but atoms, i.e energy
(...) Even the most ‘solid’ physical objects are but atoms (and the parts/energy they are composed of) vibrating at various rates, in various arrangements. These vibratory rates and arrangements of atoms are perceived by us, through one or more of the very limited 5 senses of an Earthly human body. We then process this sensory information, and in our limited consciousness, ‘perceive’ these atom groups as the ‘things’ that make up the world we live in, the things that are all around us – TV’s, cars, carpets, skin, air, – you name it.
What we think all these things are, is the result of the warped assumptions our brain makes – the assumption being based on the very limited data we get from our senses, about a certain arrangement and frequency of vibration of atoms. And atoms are just a building block of the same One thing – the ‘stuff’ of the Universe. Thus, everything we think we see, is really just an illusion – not its true form – just a ‘conceptual form’ created by our brain.
We put together an ‘image’ or ‘idea’ of what we think we’re perceiving, by virtue of our programming, expectations, experiences, etc., manipulating the bits of information we get from our highly limited senses. When you see the movement or vibration in a solid object, like you were just talking about, whatever it is you are seeing, is because your consciousness is expanding beyond its limitations, and you are glimpsing a bit more of reality.”
“So our consciousness and our limited senses really create a perceptual handicap.”
“It’s even worse than that. We are already starting with the great handicap of perceiving such a small part of the world around us. Then to make matters worse, we process that information through the ‘filters’ of our emotions and pre-conceptions. This all leaves us with a very inaccurate illusion of reality.
And just a little change in the frequency of the vibration of atoms (how fast or slow they vibrate) in a molecule (group of atoms), can completely change our perception of what it is. For example, we know the slower vibrating molecules of H2O as ice, a solid; as the frequency of vibration increases, we know them as water, a liquid; faster still, as steam; faster yet, as Hydrogen and Oxygen gas. Then where?”
“As vibrational frequency increases, a more etheric quality develops. Something may even seem to vanish (like steam), but nothing is ever lost in the Universe, it just changes form. Sometimes the apparent form is changed by atoms joining groups (molecules), or what I like to call ‘atomic cults’. But regardless of how they are arranged, or how they appear, the true reality of it all is that it’s always the same One energy vibrating at different frequencies.”
excerpt from: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/03/28/reality-is-beyond-our-perceptions/
About the Author
Rene’ Descartes is a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who ponders and wonders much about truth. Having sailed around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period, Rene’ is now interested in healing the terminally ill and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering earth right now. Email Rene’ at Shamballa@wispernet.co.za.15/02/2017
The Money takeover of Medicine
Anxiety and Stress, no good friends for us. Frequency treatment helps
by Dr. Mercola
Anxiety over a project at work… a marital spat… financial trouble… health problems… the list of potential stressors is endless, but wherever your stress is coming from, it likely starts in your head.
An inkling of worry might soon grow into an avalanche of anxiety. It might keep you up at night, your mind racing with potential "what ifs" and worst-case scenarios. Worse still, if the problem is ongoing, your stressed-out state may become your new normal -- extra stress hormones, inflammation, and all.
While beneficial if you're actually in imminent danger, that heightened state of stress – the one that makes your survival more likely in the event of an attack, for instance – is damaging over time.
Stress is not just in your head
You know the saying "when it rains, it pours"? This is a good description of chronic stress in your body, because it makes virtually everything harder. The term psychological stress is, in fact, misleading, because no stress is solely psychological… it's not all in your head.
Let's say you lose your job or are struggling from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from abuse you suffered as a child. Excess stress hormones are released, including cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Your stress response becomes imbalanced; it's not shutting off.
Your immune system suffers as a result, and epigenetic changes are rapidly occurring. The stress is triggering systemic low-grade inflammation, and suddenly your blood pressure is up, your asthma is flaring, and you keep getting colds.
That cut on your leg just doesn't seem to want to heal, and your skin is a mess. You're having trouble sleeping and, on an emotional level, you feel like you're nearing burnout.
Stress is very much like a snowball rolling down a mountain, gaining momentum, gaining speed and growing until suddenly it crashes. That crash, unfortunately, is often at the expense of your health.
excerpt from: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/03/12/chronic-stress.aspx?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=facebookmercola_ranart&utm_campaign=20160703_chronic-stress
One of the main beneficial effects of the treatments with
the Qxci-scio - including distant treatments - is helping to reduce the stress from mind and emotional levels. For further info please contact me
The healing power of the unconscious/superconscious body
by Dr. William Nelson
The QXCI / SCIO interfaces with the unconscious (superconscious) body because the unconscious mind controls the body electric, not the verbal mind. There is an innate intelligence in every cell, which gives that cell its life. We don’t have to think about the myriad activities going on in our bodies because the biology or innate intelligence of the superconscious is in control of our electrical, chemical and other factors.
Our digestion happens automatically without our having to think about it. Our autonomic nervous system controls our immune system and many other factors. Even if our verbal mind is removed (as when we sleep) or if it is inactivated, the life process of healing continues.
The superconscious will always produce life and healing if we allow it. As a matter of fact, the more the verbal mind tries to intrude on a life process, the more it will disrupt it. If you sit down with your verbal mind after you have eaten a meal and begin to think about what enzymes are being released, how much hydrochloric acid, and so forth, it will actually interrupt and disturb the digestive function. The more we try to think about our natural functions, the more we disrupt the energy and the function of healing.
If we have a broken bone, it is not the doctor that heals it, it is not the verbal mind that heals it. It is the superconscious ability of the lifeforce contained in the cells that will initiate cellular repair. It will try to establish health and restore functioning to organs that have been hurt. We can only help it do its job.
However, in our society we have put so much stock into our tiny conscious mind because of its ability to accumulate technology that we have lost touch with our powerful, amazing superconscious.
for subspace -remote- healing sessions and info please contact me
(see the contact form on this blog)
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