The qxci-scio device is used for stress reduction, energy rebalance, reharmonization, and not for diagnose. Only a licensed doctor can diagnose a patient.


All things are interconnected as One

Electrons of an atom are like the planets of a solar system. They are oppositely charged (the opposite ‘sex’) to the nucleus of an atom, and they are attracted to each other – just as the planets and ‘Sun’ of a solar system are. The polarized parts flow together in a particular ‘way’ that is dictated by Universal Law.

The pattern is orbital because of the nature of polarized relationships in space. There is always a center, a central sphere that gives, that flows out energy, and ‘attracts’ – and that central object is surrounded by objects that are attracted to, and attach themselves to, the center object. In the case of a solar system, the Sun is the center that all the planets revolve around.  In the case of an atom, the nucleus is the center that all the electrons revolve around.  They are the same thing.

The outer objects’ (electrons or planets) momentum, their ‘speed’ as they travel through space, becomes a circular movement once they are attracted to and attached to their central object (the Sun, a Star, or a Nucleus). That movement is cyclic – in other words, it keeps orbiting around and around at a certain speed, repeating its cycle in a given period of time, thus a vibrational occurrence is created of ‘cycles per… something’ (second, day, year, whatever).  In the case of the Earth orbiting the Sun, it is 1 cycle per year. In the case of other planets it is faster or slower.  In the case of atoms, it is very, very fast – and different for each atom.

Taking this a step further, what if everything is orbiting something, which is also orbiting something else? Then all of them function as ONE. And a complex vibrational pattern exists. They each link up with all other objects, becoming a part of their flow and one with them. In the entirety of the Universe, All things are interconnected as One in this way.  And the basis of all this is the Universal pattern we see exemplified so perfectly in the atom or star systems.  It follows and reflects Universal Law perfectly. This pattern flows in perfect harmony with Universal order.”

“I am beginning to understand. But I still don’t understand the ‘relationship’ it has to human relationships.”
“What if this form, this pattern, represents the relationships of beings?  What if each atom is a conscious being composed of soul-mate beings?  What if each solar system is a conscious being composed of soul-mate beings (each planet and ‘Sun’ is a being, in and of itself, that make One being together)? What if every being plays two roles, like both parent and child at the same time – surrendering to something, and directing something? 

What if every ‘star’ is both in an outflowing, ‘positive polarity’, ‘directing’ position to its planets, but also is like a ‘planet’ to something else that it orbits? What if the planets are taking a receptive, ‘negative polarity’, surrendering posture, to a ‘sun’, but are functioning like a ‘sun’ to something else that orbits it, or is affected by it? According to the teachings, and my personal realizations, all of the above is true.”

excerpt fom: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/03/28/reality-is-beyond-our-perceptions/

About the Author
Rene’ Descartes is a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who ponders and wonders much about truth. Having sailed around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period, Rene’ is now interested in healing the terminally ill and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering earth right now. Email Rene’ at Shamballa@wispernet.co.za.

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